Church Scattered: Going To Work Is Sacred Ministry

The first time we see the word work used in the bible it refers to God working in creation.  God saw all the work He had done and it was very good, so He rested on the seventh day.  Then God assigned the man who was created in His own image work to do in caring for the earth.

Jesus more than anyone else in history understood the importance of accomplishing His work so that our redemption could be provided and all of fallen creation restored.  Just for the record, He is also the most disruptive leader that has ever lived as well. 

In John chapter 17, as Jesus prepared to die on the cross He says to the Father, “I glorified you on earth, having accomplished the work that you gave me to do.”  His work was that through His life and death the world would come to know the Father.

In that same chapter Jesus tells the Father, “As you have sent me into the world, so I have sent them.”  Our biblical mandate is to do excellent work and make a profit as a good steward of all that God has given us.  Then we are to take that profit and make a difference that impacts other people for eternity.

Church Scattered is all about merging work and faith so the secular and sacred parts of life are now one. When you are all in as a Christian starting at home and then work, our career’s just became a calling so that people will come to know the Father.

Billy Graham famously predicted, “One of the next great moves of God is going to be through the believers in the workplace.”  The majority of three entire generations are not coming to  church anymore and if they are going to find Christ they will need to see Him through you at work.  May our final performance review be short but extremely rewarding, “Well done my good and faithful servant.”