Christians living in the church scattered are hit with hundreds of new inputs daily. During this time, the over whelming majority of them are negative at best and evil at times. The Holy Spirit lives within us to help us process quickly all of those negative inputs and walk by faith when the rest of the world lives in fear.
The first thing we must deal with are our feelings about that input. Feelings are real and they can reflect our heart, which is the most emotional part of how the Father has wired us. We should never stuff our emotions as if they were not real or dump them on someone else just because they deserve it. The spiritual discipline is to share them immediately with the Father completely unfiltered. He already knows !!!
Then we move to our mind and what we think about that input. Here is where the logic and reason part of how we are made becomes dominant. We move from feelings to facts with all of its data. Our mind is not as prone to the wild swings of our emotions but that does not mean that we have necessarily found hope. If you are completely right about what happened but missed the why, then you will just dig in because your conclusions make sense to you.
Christians are to live supernatural lives that allow us to see all of life from the Father’s perspective. The absolute place you must transition when a new input comes in is to move quickly from feelings to facts to beliefs. This is solely based on the truth you have built into your life about your convictions about the character of God. For example, I am afraid of all that is happening and I don’t understand why people are acting that way but I absolutely trust the Father is in control and He will work it ultimately for my good.
The Holy Spirit works as a search engine when new inputs come in and He searches for all the biblical truth you have lived out in your life. If you are feeling fearful, He will almost immediately remind you of ten different truths about faith. If you have not matured in your faith, then the data base is almost empty and many times after the search, the response is “No Matches Found.”
Cultural christianity is dying before our eyes and serious persecution is coming exactly like Jesus said it would. It’s time to go all in and get extremely serious about your faith. Jesus Christ is the hope of the world and this is Christianity in the 21st century.